take up the mantle of tamer and save the world with the power of your heart!


Genre: Tabletop RPG
Release: Ver 1.0 - Early 2025

Monster Collector; Near-Future; Gadgetpunk; Tag-Based; Long Form; 2d12 engine; Card-based;

Current Version: Ver 0.1.5 Playtest: Soon
Developement Started: Jun 2023

In a world where technology and information networks suffocate wonder, fantasy and faith, what place does the divine have in it? What home shall the kami, big and small, inhabit now that humans have evolved beyond folklore and legend into the era of pure information? They shall follow them, forever by the side of humanity, of course, and thus, become Netghosts!

.Netghosts is a Tabletop Role Playing Game set in the not-so-far future of 21XX, when after massive world events, humanity reached a point where technology and life itself are forever intertwined.
Everyone is implanted at birth with what is called a Circuit, what is essentially the base hardware necessary for life in this hyper-digital future; this Circuit, a network of bio-cables and ports placed around the body that grow and change with the person growing and aging, allows them the use of technological wonders, from Direct Neural Computing to the greatest technological frontier reached during this Era: the Overlay, a visual projection of all information networks overlayed onto reality on a Global scale.

In this world where all of humanity's knowledge is one blink of an eye away, tales of mystery and myth have little space, but a frontier for the unknown still exists, the DIVEnet. Normally accessed only by Techies, following the latest in tecnology, high-roller Corpos through exclusive means or by Hackers, people with modified Circuits capable of things beyond what standard legal practice should allow, the DIVEnet is a full-immersion representation of the Net, the congregation of all information shared through the waves in the form of a literal Sea of Data. Within said sea Worlds await, places within data itself, accessible through the DIVE process; some of these places are highly secretive corporate offices, some are entertainment centers for children of the rich, some are congregation spots for the passionate about tech and some more are things absurd and simple like a mini-golf park that spans the size of Tokyo itself.

In the deepest layers ever reached of this Sea of Data whispers are shared of next-level hacking software called Netghosts; they look just like Overlay Virtual Pets, even if just a little bit weird even for that, but they possess incredible capabilities, and those who manage to get their hands on one of them becomes even more that a simple Hacker, they become a Tamer.
What few of these gossiping voices know, is that Netghosts are no simple software, they are the digital incarnations of the Kamis of old, back at the side of humanity, just in a form more fitting the new Era humanity built for itself. They emerge from the very bottom of the Sea of Data and swim to the surface, searching for a Soul Link, a light that guides them to the human that needs them most, and in the meantime explore the Sea, learning about humanity, learning about themselves and becoming something new from their simple origins as Kamis of old; by the time they Emerge to their Tamer, they have become Netghosts, creatures of both Mystical and Digital nature, a bridge between past and future, between soul and the machine.


The .Netghosts TRPG is powered by the ;Infinite Worlds engine, a ruleset for tabletop roleplaying games focused on fast narrative-driven action, where characters are distilled into Cards, representing categories of traits, like Wishes, Secrets, Memories, Supernatural Powers and much more; within said cards you can find Tags, short representations of traits and quirks associated with the Cards they dwell in. Tags contribute to your roll by pushing your Roll Modifier and giving you Power, a resource used to establish the extent of your successes or the degree of mitigation in your failures. When the need to roll arises, Protagonists roll two visually distinct twelve-faced die called the Light and Dark die, then choose to take either the result given by the Light or Dark die, which will influence the flow of Light and Dark Tokens, a resource exchanged between Narrator and Protagonists that influences fate, strife and luck within the game's narrative. Many more game mechanics await within the Handbook, like Bond Points, Experience and Growth and Meter Impact; but you will need to read the full version for that!


Within the .Netghosts ;Infinite Worlds Handbook you will find:
  • A fully detailed setting of the Tokyo of 21XX, its peoples, places and a timeline of events.
  • Tables for generating NPCs, Enemies, Netghosts and Situations to put your protagonists in.
  • Tables to create your own organizations, factions and alliances with their own goals, powers and influence.
  • All of the systems you may ever need for an adventure with your Netghosts!
  • A detailed Adventure Series, Shooting Stars from Another Sky featuring:
    • A cast of characters for the Narrator to play with and the protagonists to fall in love with.
    • The story of the Shooting Stars, a rock band fully comprised of Tamers and their Netghosts.
    • Detailed hangout spots and narrative setpieces for you to create your own personal canon!
    • A series of premade Netghosts, both already paired to story characters and some left free for you to mess around with!
    • The mystery of the Archangels, a mysterious group of Netghosts from the deepest layers of the DIVEnet that sing of the end of the world.
  • A plethora of pre-made materials to help the Narrator create the best Adventure Series for their players with the least stress possible.


.Netghosts ;Infinite Worlds is my first time putting my work out there, and has a very special place in my heart, and i hope that it will find a place in yours too. I wrote this as a love letter for many of the things that kept the flame of hope and joy kindled in me during the years, and as a gift and thank you to all of those who helped, and still help me, be who I am unapologetically and keep chasing my dreams.
.Netghosts is about love, about bonds, hope, mystery, and the power of a bunch of kids, either in body or just in spirit, sticking to each other and fighting what they find to be unjust in the world, and again, I hope it will find you and grant you solace and strenght in our daily lives in this harsh world. Because joy is all that matters. Have fun! -Elligeist

Ver 0.1.5 is currently in alpha testing! | the Handbook is 20% complete, i think | let's exchange netghost shells! | new projects for the .Netghosts universe are always brewing! | sorry for the wait, but i promise it will be worth it! | every netghost is the best netghost! |