published on 16.Sep.2024

     What even is a Lumina?

Lumina!! TRPG Devlog # -1

A Dragon of colossal size descends upon you, its wings choking out the sun and casting an oppressive shadow over everything. Unlike the familiar, comforting shade cast by the trees of your homeland that once offered solace, this shadow brings only the ominous promise of what a beast of the plague can inflict upon a mere human. The very air is heavy with a cruel foreboding. And yet, you do not falter. Your legs remain steady, and your grip on your weapon is unwavering. As an Adventurer, a seeker of horizons and a defender of life's right to exist, the crest you wear stands as a testament to your courage. After all, why should you fear Paradiso's judgment when you hold the key to glory and victory, a Lumina, in your hands? The people of the Flooded World will endure. Their spirits will not falter, their cries to the heavens will not cease.

In Lumina!! TRPG, you’ll step into the shoes of Adventurers, the heroes of a world cursed to die by a cruel deity, navigating a world of ancient mountains, cursed dragons, and mysterious ruins with the aid of the miracle of humanity, the Lumina. If you'd like, I'd love to introduce you to the world and mechanics of Lumina!! TRPG to give you a glimpse of what’s I've been working on and hope to share with you all.

The World of Lumina!!: Surviving a Flooded Land

In an age long forgotten, the world was swallowed by a cataclysmic flood, leaving only the towering peaks of mountains as the last shelters of a humanity defeated, but time passed, like it always does, and people rebuilt, like they always do. Now, civilization clings to these mountain tops, each one growing into a nation steeped in its own unique local culture. These are the only sanctuaries left to the remnants of humanity.
But while hope is everlasting, peace isn't. From the divine realm of "Paradiso, that forsees all from far above", a vengeful curse has been unleashed — the Plague of Dragons, sent as punishment for Highest Sin, a blasphemy committed by the Nation of Miracles, Shaavaiyr that cost them their entire existance, a hole in the ocean itself existing now where once the Nation stood. As this divine punishment was being enacted, and the monstrous beings that Dragons are rained down from above, humanity’s survival hinged and still hinges on two miracles of their own: the mystical Luminas, powerful artifacts borne of a person's spirit that bestow control over one of the elemental aspects of nature, and the miraculous invention of the wings of humanity, Aircraft both arcane and mundane.

The skies, once an obstacle, have become a battlefield where these new flying machines enable humanity to confront the Dragon plague head-on, turning the tide of the ever-raging war. Adventurers, wielding their Luminas with unparalleled bravery and skill, soar above the crumbling world, embodying hope and defiance. They are the last line of defense, fighting not just for survival but for a future where their kind might rise from the ashes of their ravaged past and reclaim the seas, skies and land as their own.

A World of Many Peoples, and a few Dragons

The Nations, united under the Dragonpact, are tied themselves to the elements, each ruled by one of the six Sovereign Dragons, powerful beings who turned their backs on Paradiso to protect humanity, each of them for their own reasons.
For example, Fiòdel, a sprawling metropolis of canals, is home to Margùn, the Sovereign Dragon of Aqua, a kind and gentle soul, almost a mother to all of the humans under her protection, while Ocelstadt, with its towering spires of technology and entertainment, is protected by Circecas, the dragon of Electro, a boisterous braggart with a heart of gold and an ego truly as big as his overwhelming power.

In this world of contstant strife, only a rare few are blessed with Luminas, manifestations of their soul and demonstrations of their right to ascend to Paradiso, which grant them control over one of six elements: Aqua, Electro, Pneuma, Silvae, Tellus, or Ignis. These elements shape not only the abilities of the adventurers but also their personalities and reputations.
For instance, Electro-aligned adventurers are often seen as inventors, problem solvers, and a little nerdy, while Pneuma-aligned adventurers are charismatic heroes with larger-than-life personalities and Aqua-aligned adventurers are known for their quiet determination and deep-seated ambition. These stereotypes, while not always true, sometimes give a hint to an aspect of an Adventurer's true nature.
But being an adventurer isn’t always glamorous. While some are seen as heroes, others are resented or pitied by commoners who see the dangerous lives they lead. The Adventurers Guild tries to bridge the gap between these powerful individuals and the people they protect, but tensions still simmer beneath the surface.

Gameplay Overview: A Blend of Strategy and Storytelling

When it comes to gameplay, Lumina!! TRPG makes an effort in balancing the tactical, character-building systems I and many others have grown to love with a more narratively driven experience. Instead of consulting your character sheet before taking action to check if you have the right proficiency or something like that, you’ll describe what your character is attempting to do and only then turn to your stats to see how well-equipped you are to succeed.
The modular system allows you to build a character that feels uniquely yours. You’ll “spend levels” to acquire Styles — collections of abilities that are tied together both mechanically and thematically but are meant to work in conjunction with other Styles to create a complete character. Want to be an agile, wind-controlling fighter who also has a knack for explosives? Lumina!! TRPG lets you explore those kinds of combinations and many more.
Resolving actions is done through a dice system where you roll two dice of varying size assigned to to your Attributes and combine the results with all of your bonuses from Weapons, Artifacts, Style Abilities and more. The higher your roll, the better your chances of overcoming whatever obstacle is blocking you from your desired outcome, be it outwitting or overwhelming enemies with your strenght, surviving in the perilous peaks or any of the endless situations your characters might find themselves in.

Lumina!! is born from my passion for role-playing games, fantasy, and wanderlust and it’s a project that aims to bring many kinds of people together at the table, fighting imaginary monsters to strenghten our very real spirit all together.
As I continue working on the game, I can't wait to share more updates, including playtests, design sneak-peeks, and more of the lore that makes up the Flooded World.
Keep an eye out for more details as we move closer to the full release, slated for late next year! I hope you’re as excited as I am to explore the world of Lumina!! TRPG!
Stay tuned for more blog posts where I’ll delve into specific gameplay mechanics, character creation, and the many Styles you're gonna be able to make your character out of. Don’t forget to bookmark this site for updates and share your thoughts, either in the guestbook, on my socials or through my e-mail — I’d love to hear your feedback and ideas as the world of Lumina!! takes shape and gets ever closer to reaching all of you!

And as always, remember to have fun! -Elligeist へ(∂ ᗜ ∂ へ)~