published on 16.Sep.2024

     The Elligeist Channel Launch!

Hey everyone!

Cue the drumroll... .o(≧∀≦)o

Welcome to The Elligeist Channel! I'm Elligeist, a 27-year-old, proudly autistic creator who’s been dreaming up tabletop RPGs, games and hopefully toys in the future, while also being far too excited about VPETS and old 2000s oddball products for most people's comfort. But that’s okay, because you’re here now, and that means we’re probably on the same page. ദ്ദി(˵ •̀ ᴗ - ˵ ) ✧

So, what is The Elligeist Channel all about, you ask? Well, it’s where my creative brainchildren live. If you’re into hope-filled, urban fantasy adventures with plenty of digital aestethics and themes of the supernatural, you’re in the right place. I aim to make games that are both comforting shelters from the brutal reality of everyday life and safe spaces where we can confidently and safely confront our feelings and uncertainties, maybe with a group of friends, those of them who love to roll some dice, get into character, and go on an adventure all around a table filled with snacks and piles of dice. (૭ 。•̀ ᵕ •́。 )૭ ৻( •̀ ᗜ •́ ৻)

It’s not just games, though. This is also where I let my creativity run amok, no limits and no "this has no market" bullsh#t. Currently the idea of crafting toys one day has taken over my mind, and usually I’m pretty much diving headfirst into whatever creative rabbit hole happens to catch my very disorganized attention, but when one of my creative concotions manages to gain my full attention, then i go full throttle until completion! Currently the project that has overtaken most of my time is the creation of this site, but as soon as it goes up on the Net, I'm gonna start burning the midnight oil writing for .Netghosts ;Infinite Worlds again (don't worry, the site will never be neglected, this thing is way too fun!).

Now, you might be asking yourself what's in store for the future of the site, my creative endeavours and the Tabletop RPGs I'm working on and I'm here to answer these questions haunting your mind (i hope ( ˵ •̀ ᴗ •́˵)ehe).
As for the future of the site, I aim to have all the sidebar pages up and running before the end of the year, create a Lumina!! page as soon as humanly possible and keep updating the blog at the very least once per week. Usual "this site is not dead" things like rotating the Cool Things tab and keeping the Updates well... updated, are obviously priorities.
As for my creative endeavours, as stated above, .Netghosts ;Infinite Worlds will be my main priority and I will work hard on it until completion, trying to reach the public playtest stage as soon as possible, in the meantime, I'm still working on Lumina!! in the background, but the system is so complex it's gonna take a while for it to reach the level of tuning I find acceptable. You're gonna learn I'm both a messy head and a bit of a perfectionist ( ̄。。 ̄)ehe.
I'm also gonna start working on social media content to try and bring attention to my projects, hoping that many people will find what I do and enjoy it! (/▽\)
But, if I did my job correctly (very unlikely ∘ ∘ ∘ ( °ヮ° )) you're gonna be asking yourselves about the buttons at the bottom of the page; well, they're the long-term projects for the site!

The first of them, TAMERVERSE is slated to come out after the version 1.0 of .Netghosts ;Infinite Worlds comes out and is gonna be a character/netghost creator tool, and if the gods of programming strike me with inspiration and knowledge maybe a place to show off your own custom Netghosts;
GHOSTii is a personal project of mine that is gonna take some time, but that I care deeply about, and it's gonna be a Mii-like character creator for your little Ghost-sona! It's a very ambitious project for my current capabilities, and it certainly is taking a back seat to developing .Netghosts, but I'm confident in my stubborness and autistic audacity that I will have it out sooner than later;
Then comes GUILDSHIP, Lumina!!'s version of TAMERVERSE, obviously it's gonna be a while before this is gonna come to fruition, but the cards are all stacked in the right direction for it to become reality!;
In the end, NETisle is my most ambitious project yet, a full-fledged browser-based VPET themed around .Netghosts and its world. It's obviously a huge project that is gonna take a lot of time and low priority for a while, but time is all we got!

All of these projects are gonna come from 2025 onwards, and the schedule will be clarified in time (honestly, when i get any idea when things could be getting close to completion ( °ヮ° )ehe), hope you'll stick around to see it all be released, I would be thrilled!

For today, this is all, thanks for stopping by, and remember to have fun!

– Elligeist ₍ᐢ. .ᐢ₎