Elli's Mood: | NEW Blogpost: The Elligeist Channel Launch Celebrations! | This page sucks on Firefox, bug 1432935's fault! | Don't let social media be your main window into the Web, make your own website! | Currently playing: INAZUMA ELEVEN: Victory Road Worldwide Beta Test Demo "Leave Your Inazuma Mark on the World!" |


Welcome again to The Elligeist Channel! Elligeist's little corner of the internet!

Have you ever felt tired, dragged down by the monotonous misery that is modern life? Have you ever nostalgically cherished those magical moments in your childhood, when everything was perfect and it seemed like joy was an everlasting state of being? Well, I have felt this way for a long while in my university years, crushed by exams, pressure and structures made to do anything but help those who are struggling, but in that bog of misery I found relief, an escape from the darkness and a route to follow for a brighter future in the things that gave me joy when I was naught but a waddling little buffoon, pretending to be a Power Ranger at the park with its friends. Today, I strive to keep that joy alive and burning, and to kindle that flame in others, by making the games, toys and various novelties that would have had my younger self jumping like a jackalope on christmas night. If you're interested, you're welcome to follow me, here, into my little slice of the world wide web, such a magical thing... and please, remember to have fun!

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